A place for transformation and manifestation using communication and
The Law of Creation
The Law of Creation
Judy is a renowned psychic medium with extraordinary abilities to connect with the spirit world. With a deep understanding of the metaphysical realm, Judy has dedicated her life to helping others find solace, guidance, and closure. Her innate intuition and empathetic nature allow her to provide comforting and insightful readings that have touched the lives of countless individuals.
As the founder of @dylstudio.ca, Judy has created a sacred space where individuals can seek answers and reconnect with their departed loved ones. Her genuine compassion and nonjudgmental approach create an environment of trust and openness, enabling clients to share their deepest concerns. |
Judy's journey as a psychic medium began at an early age when she first recognized her extraordinary gifts. Through years of dedicated study and practice, she has honed her abilities to offer accurate and uplifting readings. Her psychic insights combined with her mediumship skills provide a comprehensive and transformative experience for those seeking clarity and spiritual enlightenment.
Whether it's connecting with departed loved ones, gaining insight into life's challenges, or receiving guidance on personal and professional matters, Judy's sessions leave a lasting impact. Her clients often describe her readings as transformative, empowering them to move forward with renewed purpose and understanding. Beyond her individual sessions, Judy also conducts workshops and seminars, sharing her knowledge and wisdom with others who aspire to tap into their intuitive abilities. Her commitment to the well-being of others is evident in every aspect of her work, making her a trusted and respected figure in the field of psychic mediumship. When you enter the realm of Psychic Medium Judy, be prepared for a profound and enlightening experience that will touch your soul and expand your consciousness. Through her unique connection with the spirit world, Judy brings comfort, healing, and guidance to all those who seek her divine assistance. She is a Licensed Psychic, Reiki Master, NLP Therapist, Certified Crystal Healer, EFT Tapping practitioner and is a certified Hypnotherapist, Author and Teacher. Judy also offers Mediumship, Tarot and Angel Card and Palm Readings. |
For more information on Psychic Medium Judy and DYL Studio - visit our YouTube Channel
Psychic Medium Judy in the UK
Psychic Medium Judy has an office in Glasgow and is able to in person sessions, remote sessions and will be hosting mediumship events. For more information visit her UK site WWW.dylstudio.co.uk
Judy's BookPsychic Medium Judy is a sixth generation psychic. (Maybe more). Her great grandmother was renowned in the 1800’s as a psychic and healer. As the story goes, her great grandmother would heal people with herbs, and was very respected for her knowledge. Her great grandmother would provide readings and guidance for people right across the UK. From a very young age Judy was acknowledged as a psychic medium. As Judy was writing this book, she realized that she carries the soul of her great grandmother. This book has been a labour of love. Judy’s hope is the reader will find just a little bit of fairy dust for their lives as they read this book.
Psychic Medium Judy is one of The Best of Calgary selections! Take a look